Sheetz is one of the largest (and best) convenience store chains in the Northeast who recently launched selling beer in their stores and promoted this by selling limited run, small batch beers from fellow Pennsylvanian companies. After the success of the first beer, Sheetz paired with a fellow Pennsylvanian company in Evil Genius Brewing Company to sell a limited edition beer that's infused with Blueberry muffinz.
After the last launch was succesful, the client returned and asked me to illustrate the next flavor they were launching. They only knew the brewery, flavor, and had the name "project brewberry muffinz". This one was a little more straightforward because we already established a look for the mad scientist the first time, so we just built upon that.
While the first beer launch was succesful, this beer sold out in stores in less than a week. In the design itself, I kept the head in the same place, but changed the body out for a new pose. With this new pose I added even more detail to the body and accessories, which just came naturally being more familiar with the character design. The character was also used online to promote the beer, on cutouts in store, and on various launch party material.